Who we are

A group of scientists and engineers whose passion is to make the world better, smarter and healthier

C X-Stream is a pioneering software engineering team focused on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. We have a combined storied history in many pioneering efforts that range from space exploration at a satellite of NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab and Caltech, creating the first entertainment system for the Boeing 777, and the largest television station deployment in history. Our advanced intelligence solutions that go far beyond conventional AI Our cognitive computing technology mimics human thought processes and provides autonomous reasoning to aid human-like decision-making.

Some of the the breakthrough AI software systems that powered cognitive reasoning for famous missions like Journey, Sojourner, Pathfinder, Voyager, Galileo, Magellan, and the Mars Rover - Curiosity, have been brought down to earth by C X-Stream nd put to work for industrial and enterprise companies seeking advanced intelligence solutions to stay competitive or transform their business for the future.

Our Cultural Values

WE ARE OWNERS. We think act and plan with the mindset of real owners.

WE THINK CRITICALLY. We collect and follow the data.

WE ARE HONEST. We think act and plan with the mindset of real owners.

WE ARE TRANSPARENT. We believe that making data and decscions open, accesaccesible - internally and externally is the only way to go.

WE ARE INCLUSIVE. Diversity is not simply a slogan, but a way of life. If we wanted clones, we would make them.